Doctor told about danger of New Year’s salads

Nutritionist Nuria Dianova said that New Year’s salads can be dangerous. She stated this in an interview with radio Sputnik .

According to her, the shelf life of most of the dishes prepared for the holiday does not exceed one or two days. The gastroenterologist emphasized that cold dishes deteriorate especially quickly, in particular salads, which can be easily poisoned.

The dietitian noted that the degree of poisoning may vary. So, if the symptoms are of a short-term nature, there is no fever or severe weakness, then most likely you should not worry. However, the doctor said that if the diarrhea does not stop, and the symptoms are prolonged, then you should immediately consult a specialist, as pathogens harmful to the body can begin to grow in the gastrointestinal tract.

At the same time, the expert explained that vomiting, on the contrary, is a good sign, as it indicates a protective reaction of the body. The doctor added that in case of poisoning, you should not eat coarse fiber such as cabbage and black bread, as well as drink juices. She recommended drinking water, cereals, rice and toasted bread.

Earlier in Rospotrebnadzor warned Russians against improper storage of salads. So, the shelf life of salads depends on the shelf life of its components. In addition, dressing with mayonnaise or various sauces accelerates the growth of pathogens. Therefore, salads should be kept refrigerated at two to six degrees.
