Hairdresser has revealed right way to wash your hair

The hairdresser showed in the video the correct technique for washing the hair and revealed the reason why the procedure must be performed twice. The relevant video in TikTok was noticed by The Sun.

On the footage, a user under the nickname demonstrates the sequence of her actions. “Thoroughly wet your hair, apply the shampoo to your hands and distribute it evenly over the entire scalp. Then use your fingertips to massage the entire surface of the scalp. Do not miss the hairline or the back of the head,” reads the video.

After rinsing, the girl recommended repeating the process in order to wash off the remaining dirt and give the hair “perfect cleanliness”. However, according to her, the second time it is necessary to focus on the roots.

Then you should rinse your hair again and apply conditioner to the ends for a few minutes. After the final rinsing, the heroine of the material tied a towel around her head. The video received more than 470 thousand views and hundreds of approving comments. “I do the same! Every time my hair ends up perfectly clean”, “My life changed after I started washing my hair twice”, “Very useful video!” – users expressed their opinion.

Earlier in December, TikTok users from Italy showed how to curl with a battery and launched a trend. A girl from Naples with the nickname kekka.mngcs posted a video with this process. First, she took a lock of hair and wrapped it around the battery for a few seconds, then let go and showed a neat curl. The video went viral and received over a million views.
