Former Minister of Ukraine advised citizens to “decommunize” first aid kit

Former Minister of Health of Ukraine Ulyana Suprun advised the citizens of the country to “decommunize” their first-aid kits and get rid of the “Soviet”. She wrote about this in her Facebook -account.

In her opinion, some of the popular means in the USSR can be not only useless, but also dangerous. She also noted that mustard plasters do not help ease breathing or cough, but can also lead to burns on the skin.

In addition, instead of using iodine and brilliant green, the former minister advised to wash shallow wounds or cuts with water. She noted that there is no scientific evidence that oxolinic ointment protects against colds and flu. This ointment only blocks the nasal passage and makes breathing difficult, Suprun emphasized.

In April, the former Minister of Health of Ukraine Ulyana Suprun asked Tesla CEO Elon Musk to share artificial lung ventilation devices (IVL) with Kiev. Suprun wrote that Ukraine is in dire need of devices: there are only 3,500 of them, and the country’s population is 37 million people.
