Cost of a New Year’s table for a Ukrainian family has become known

The cost of the menu for the New Year’s table for a Ukrainian family of four over the past year has increased by more than five percent, reported in National Scientific Center” Institute of Agrarian Economics “of Ukraine .

Experts calculated the cost of the feast, taking as a basis the list of traditional New Year’s dishes, which included: salads, meat and fish products, fruits and vegetables, confectionery and drinks.

According to scientists, a Ukrainian family will have to pay an average of 160 hryvnia (about 420 rubles) for three kilograms of Olivier salad. That’s almost 14 percent more than the 2020 celebration. For one and a half kilograms of herring under a fur coat, you will have to pay more than 120 hryvnia (about 320 rubles), and for 500 grams of pork meatballs more than 110 hryvnia (about 290 rubles) – the price for them increased by more than 33 percent.

The cheapest meat product on the New Year’s table of Ukrainians turned out to be chicken – 95 hryvnia (250 rubles), almost 105 hryvnia (more than 270 rubles) will have to be spent on fruit, and more than 170 hryvnia (about 450 rubles) will have to be paid for a half-liter bottle of cognac. It also became known that a Ukrainian family that decides to spend money on delicacies will have to pay 470 hryvnia more for the New Year’s menu. A jar of red caviar (120 grams) costs about 250 hryvnias in Ukraine (more than 660 rubles), 200 grams of red fish will cost 220 hryvnias (about 580 rubles).

According to experts, on average, a Ukrainian family will have to pay 1,706 hryvnia (more than 4,510 rubles) for the New Year’s table. In Kiev, a budget holiday menu will cost 1,916 hryvnia (more than 5,060 rubles), a table with delicacies will cost from 2,426 hryvnias (more than 6,415 rubles).

In October it was reported that more than a quarter of Ukraine’s residents live below the poverty line … Human Rights Commissioner Verkhovna Rada Lyudmila Denisova said that about 80 percent of pensioners in the country receive a pension below or at the level of the monetary poverty line. According to experts, every third employee does not have enough salary to meet the necessary living needs.
