Evaluated data on ability of toothpaste to destroy COVID-19 in two minutes

Researcher at the Federal Research Center for Fundamental and Translational Medicine, Professor of Virology Alexander Chepurnov a > assessed research data by American scientists on the ability of toothpaste to destroy COVID-19 at 99.9 percent, reports RBC.

According to him, this figure is quite impressive. However, a sick person cannot be cured in this way.

Chepurnov noted that when 99.9 percent of COVID-19 is destroyed, millions of particles will still remain, and this is enough to become infected. He stressed that these measures can help with prevention. In particular, less infection in the nasopharynx of an already ill person can reduce its infectivity.

Earlier, American scientists in the course of laboratory research found out that toothpastes with zinc and tin can kill the coronavirus by 99.9 percent in two minutes. Plus, cetylpyridinium chloride mouthwash will neutralize it in half a minute. The goal of the program was to determine whether it is possible to reduce the spread of coronavirus with oral care products.
