Nutritionist listed foods for weight loss without fasting

Australian nutritionist Leanne Ward spoke about nutrition for weight loss. The Daily Mail writes about this.

“No matter what social media tells us, there is no specific food that will help you burn fat,” says the expert. “To lose weight, food must fill the calorie deficit.” She explained that this requires eating a little less than the body requires.

According to Ward, to lose weight, you do not need to starve yourself or give up your favorite foods. It is enough to keep track of the portion size. The nutritionist also listed her favorite foods for weight loss. She named herbal tea, chia seeds, oatmeal, eggs, chicken breasts and unrefined olive oil, among others.

Earlier, nutritionist Nuria Dianova called a way not to get better during the New Year holidays – to control the amount of alcohol and fruit consumed. She also listed the most high-calorie dishes on the festive table. Among them were salad Olivier, mimosa and herring under a fur coat.
