Barge that built Nord Stream 2 changed ownership

The new owner of the pipe-laying barge “Fortuna”, which was building the section of “Nord Stream-2”, was a micro-enterprise LLC “Universal Transport Group” (UTG) with two employees on staff, RBC writes.

The previous owner of the barge was Mezhregiontruboprovodstroy JSC (MRTS). UTG’s revenue in 2019 amounted to 105 million rubles, and the net loss was 2.2 million. The general director and owner of UTG is Andrey Aprelenko. Fortuna is currently in a German port on the Baltic coast.

The likelihood that it will be used to complete the construction of the gas pipeline is quite high, experts say. However, the barge is poorly suited for stowage of deep water areas. The key stage will be the completion of a gas pipeline section in Danish waters, where the depth of work exceeds 30 meters.

Earlier, Nord Stream 2 AG announced that the construction of the gas pipeline will resume in December … The German Federal Office for Shipping and Hydrography (BSH) expects Nord Stream 2 to be complete construction with the help of the Akademik Chersky pipelayer.
