Photographer took model against background of Egyptian pyramids and went on trial

The photographer was taken into custody due to a photo shoot of a model in front of the Egyptian pyramids. Information about the incident was posted on the France 24 portal.

The photographer reportedly filmed for the model Salma al-Shimi next to the step pyramid of Djoser, which is located in Saqqara near Cairo. It was built about 4,700 years ago and is considered the oldest pyramid in Egypt.

In the footage published after the shooting, a model poses at the foot of the landmark in a traditional dress. Subscribers criticized Shimi for the pictures in the ancient Egyptian outfit, and she decided to remove them.

Soon, information appeared on the network that the model was arrested for posing in a traditional costume and violating the rules for photo shoots in historical places prescribed by the Ministry of Antiquities.

However, the police denied this fact and said that instead of Shimi, law enforcement officers detained the author of the photographs (his name is not specified). His case has already been brought to court for further consideration.

Earlier in April, the model was arrested for keeping a lion and a python at home … An Iranian woman, Quazel Yadegari, was detained in Turkey after she posted a video with pets to the network. During a search in the girl’s house, the police seized illegal pets.
