Seller of child abuse porn videos sentenced to 40 years in prison

In South Korea, a seller of pornographic videos, including those involving children, Jo Joo Bin, was sentenced to 40 years in prison, according to the “Renhap” agency.

It is noted that the 25-year-old Korean was found guilty of violating the law on the protection of minors (in South Korea he is 19 years old – approx. “”) from sexual violence and in the creation of a criminal group that distributed videos with scenes of violence … “The accused widely disseminated material of sexual violence that he created, luring and intimidating many victims,” ​​- said in the verdict.

In addition to Cho, five more people also received prison sentences ranging from 7 to 15 years. It is known that the criminals sold videos on Telegram. For access to the chat was set at $ 1,200 (approximately 91 thousand rubles). At the same time, more than 100 chat participants were also arrested. In total, 74 women were victims of the gang, 16 of whom had not yet reached the age of majority.
