Cancer drug prices increased several times

The Federal Antimonopoly Service (FAS) has raised prices for two drugs for the treatment of cancer, writes Kommersant. Their cost will increase several times.

The rise in price will happen due to the fact that the department began to revise the prices of medicines from the list of vital and essential medicines (VED). Among them are two drugs used in the treatment of cancer: lomustine and azathioprine (also used in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis).

The cost of lomustine will increase nine times – up to 37 thousand rubles per package, azathioprine – almost twice, up to 380 rubles.

FAS explains the revision of prices by the current deficit in the market. An October government decree prescribes to increase the cost of drugs when the demand for them exceeds supply.

According to the sources of the publication in the pharmaceutical market, the shortage of both drugs happened due to the too low purchase prices used by the participants in state tenders. In addition, the manufacturer of azathioprine, the company Moskhimfarmpreparaty, which was declared bankrupt by the court in 2018, faced problems.
