Chrome proposes regimes for saving memory and energy. second version of manifesto is delayed

Google announced about implementation in the Chrome browser of memory and energy consumption modes (Memory Saver and Energy Saver) who plan to bring to Chrome users for Windows, MacOS and Chromeos for several weeks.

Memory saving mode can significantly reduce the intake of RAM due to the release of memory occupied by inactive tabs, which allows you to provide the necessary resources for processing sites that are currently viewed in situations where other applications that consume memory are parallel to be parallel. When moving to inactive tabs displaced from memory, their contents will be automatically loaded. It is possible to maintain a white list of sites for which Memory Saver will not be used, regardless of the activity of the tabs associated with them.

The energy consumption saving mode is aimed at maximizing the autonomous operation of the device in conditions when the battery charge ends, and there are no stationary energy sources nearby for recharging. The regime is activated when a level of level is reached at 20% and restrictions on the performance of background work and disabling visual effects for websites with animation and video.

In addition, Google decided to postpone the second time announced The termination of the second version of the Chrome manifesto, which determines the capabilities and resources available for additions written using the Webextens API. In January 2023, it was planned to conduct an experiment on temporary disconnection of support for the second version of the manifesto in the Chrome 112 test issues (Canary, DEV, BETA), and the full termination of support was scheduled for January 2024. The January experiment was canceled due to the emergence of a Service Worker migration in Web developers associated with the impossibility of access to DOM and limiting the time of the work of Worker-A when using the third version of the manifesto. API Offscreen Documents will be proposed to succeed in a breakdown in Chrome 109. The new terms of the experiment and the full termination of support for the second version of the manifesto will be announced in March 2023.

It can also be noted that the official removal from the Chrome code to support format format jpeg-xl . The desire to stop supporting JPEG-XL was announced in October, and now the intention is executed and the code is officially deleted.

/Media reports cited above.