Constitutionalization of abortion: “The vote of National Assembly reflects consensus within opinion”

Sylvie Pierre-Brossolette, president of the High Council for Equality, calls on senators to take into account the consensus that exists on this subject.

Solid-gathered by Solène CORDIER

After the vote, Thursday, November 24, at first reading, of the bill aimed at registering the right to abortion in the Constitution, Sylvie Pierre-Brosolette, the president of the High Council for Equality between Women and Men underlines the popularity of such a measure.

The National Assembly voted at first reading on Thursday, a bill to include in the Constitution that “the law guarantees effectiveness and ‘Equal access to the right to voluntary pregnancy interruption “. What does the adoption of such a transpartisan text inspire?

I am delighted, of course, of the result of the vote of the National Assembly, which devotes an advance for women. It has a historical character, because it brings together numerous voices and on all benches. That such a majority has been reached in the National Assembly reflects the consensus that this measurement arouses within opinion. I now call for senators to understand the evolution of French society on this subject. It would be a fine example that France would give by becoming the first country in the world to constitutionalize this right.

Why is it necessary to constitutionalize the right to abortion?

It is for several reasons. First, under the precautionary principle, in the current climate where we are increasing of conservatisms in many countries and the taking of power of majorities very hostile to social progress, and the rights of women in particular .

In the uncertain period that we are going through on the political level, we do not know what can be the new balances that take shape in the National Assembly and to the Constitutional Council, guaranteeing the constitutionality of laws. A new majority, marked by a certain conservatism and a retrograde vision of women’s rights, in particular the right to abortion, could arrive at power. Consequently, members hostile to this major achievement could be appointed to the Constitutional Council. Those who say that there is no risk of regression on this subject in France are wrong.

This is the first argument in favor of consolidating the right to abortion and, in this regard, the only significant lock, although it is not any test, lies in its registration in the Constitution .

The second reason to engrave it in marble is that it is extremely rare in our country as a societal measure which has been so debated, both provoked passions at the time of the adoption of Veil law [in 1975], today Hui if consensual. This is revealed by the survey conducted in October by the Viavoice Institute for the High Council for Equality (HCE), of which we have just had the results.

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/Media reports cited above.