In Russia, they introduced Hornie quadrocopter to suppress drones with ultrasound

In Russia, a hornet quadrocopter was developed to suppress unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and overclocking the riots using ultrasound. It was first presented at the Aeronet-2035 exhibition in Moscow.

The quadrocopter of the Hornie is presented for the first time, this is a new prototype, the work is still conducted. An interesting direction, dual -use apparatus with the payload of ultrasound, radar suppression, ”said the head of the Laboratory of the Research Institute of Computing Complexes (NIIVK) to them. M.A. Kartseva Vitaly Dolgov.

Dronius of the Dron – up to 10 kilometers. At the moment, the test is undergoing a coating for a quadrocopter, which will reflect the radars. “This should be its peculiarity,” Dolgov emphasized.

In addition, according to Dolgov, the Hornet can be used to monitor the state of oil pipelines and gas pipelines, as well as environmental monitoring and in the elimination of the consequences of emergency situations.

The exhibition, which demonstrates UAVs and suppression systems of Russian production, is held from November 17 to 27 at VDNH.

/Media reports cited above.