Haiku: implementation of Wayland appeared, which allows you to launch a GTK application

for the Haiku open operating system, which continues the development of ideas BEOS, prepared layer to ensure compatibility with Wayland, which allows you to launch the TULOCKS and applications that use this protocol, including applications based on the library GTK .

The layer provides the Libwayland.so library based on the Libwayland code and compatible at the API and ABI level, which allows you to run Wayland applications unchanged. Unlike typical Wayland composite servers, the layer does not start in the form of a separate server process, but is loaded as a plugin to client processes. Instead of sockets, the server uses a native message processing cycle based on Blooper.

For tests in the Haikuware repository, ready-made bags with GTK3, GIMP, Inkscape, EpipNay (Gnome Web), Claws-Mail, Abiword and Handbrake.

are placed for tests.

Earlier, another developer for Haiku has already prepared the initial implementation of the layer to ensure compatibility with the XLIB library, which allows you to launch X11 applications in Haiku without using the X-server. layer is implemented through the emulation of xlib functions by broadcasting challenges into high -level graphic API Haiku.

/Media reports.