“Nobel” of economics at former president of Fed Ben Bernanke and his compatriots Douglas Diamond and Philip

The price of the Sweden Bank has been awarded to these three economists “for their research on banks and financial crises”.

Le Monde

The Prix de la Banque de Sweden in Economic Sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel, sometimes described as “Nobel” of the economy, was awarded on Monday October 10 to Ben S. Bernanke, Douglas W. Diamond and Philip H. Dybvig “for their research on banks and financial crises”.

The prize was awarded by the Nobel Panel of the Royal Academy of Sciences of Sweden in Stockholm.

Nobel prizes have a cash reward of 10 million Swedish crowns (nearly 900,000 dollars) and will be awarded on December 10.

Unlike other prices, the economy prize was not created in the testament of Alfred Nobel of 1895 but by the Swedish central bank in its memory. The first winner was selected in 1969.

/Media reports.