Israelis Lose Parcel Delivery Opportunity due to Cyberattack

Israel Postal Company Prevents Cyber Attack on Mail Servers

Last week, a cyber attack targeted irrigation systems in the north of Israel, and this week, it has been confirmed that Israel Postal Company was also attacked. The state-owned company detected and stopped the attack on their mail servers launched by a “hostile side”.

In response, the company shut down some of their computer systems, and as a preventive measure, some services, including parcel delivery, customs payments, and part of the payment services, were suspended. However, the banking services of Israeli Post were not impacted as they operate on a separate system. The majority of the disabled services have still not been activated.

Thanks to the early detection of the cyber attack, the company prevented any damage or information leakage. A national cyber administration has been called in to provide assistance since Israel Post is a state-owned company. Services are expected to resume in the coming days.

On April 9th, a series of cyber attacks targeted critical water resource management systems in the Upper Galilee, Israel. The water supply controllers that irrigate fields in the Jordan River Valley and the local Galil Severage Corporation water treatment systems were damaged. The authorities worked throughout the day to fix the problem and restore systems to full operation.

The National Cyber Organization of Israel recently warned local institutions about a significant increase in cybercrime activities. Over the last week, various medical, government, and university sites have been heavily targeted. Unfortunately, it is unlikely that the situation will improve in the near future.

The annual “Opisrael” cybercrime event, which aims to damage critical infrastructure in Israel, is underway throughout the month of April. Ant-Israeli hackers step up their attacks during the period of Ramadan, which is currently ongoing.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.