Wine 8.5 and Wine Staging 8.5 Released

Experimental Release of Wine 8.5 Sees 361 Changes and 21 Error Reports Closed

The experimental release of open implementation Winapi – Wine 8.5 – has taken place. This comes after the closure of the 21st error report and the implementation of 361 changes since the release of version 8.4.

Among the most important changes include added support for setting up a dark design topic Winurt, updated VKD3D package with the implementation of the Direct3D 12, an improvement in the output of error information in the IDL compile, support for launching 32-bit programs in 64-bit Windows through the registry key hkey_classes_root in Wow64, and improved support for Input Method Editors.

The release also saw the closure of errors related to the work of games such as Deus Ex: Invisible War 1.2, Fair Strike, Bible Black La No Walpurgis, Sins of the Solar Empire Rebellion, and Ultimate Race Pro, as well as errors related to the work of applications such as NOTEPAD ++ 7.6.3, VARA FM, Treecomp, Librevr Revive, and LDAP Explorer.

In addition, the Wine Staging Project has released its own expanded Wine assemblies, including not completely ready or risky patches. This project features 537 additional patches compared to Wine and synchronization with the code base Wine 8.5 has been carried out.

The script has been removed in Wine Staging, and users are instead directed to use staging/ The main Wine composition moves a patch with support for the control of control characters in Dinput. New patches have been added to solve problems with the launch of Diablo IV and the installation/update of, along with an updated patch to support mfplat-streaming.

With these updates and improvements, Wine and Wine Staging continue to move forward in the open implementation Winapi space.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.