ASUS Routers Fail Due to Update Error

ASUS, a computer and phone hardware and electronics company, has recently come under scrutiny due to errors in its automatic delivery system updates. As a result of the error, many users experienced mass failures with their devices. Though the device reinforced itself after a few minutes, the problem continued to occur every few minutes. ASUS only recognized the issue after users voiced concerns, leaving them to try and understand the reason for the issue on their own.

ASUS released a vague notification on the issue, stating that an error had occurred in the files sent to some devices. However, tech enthusiasts who independently analyzed the issue found that the files delivered to the devices were located in the directory /JFFS/ASD/Chknvram20230516. The damaged file led to a lack of RAM and adversely affected the devices’ operating systems.

ASUS has since taken steps to eliminate the problem, including removing the damaged file from future downloads. For those still experiencing issues, it is recommended to save a backup copy of their device settings and reset their devices to their factory state. The issue should be resolved following a simple restart in most cases.

Although the error caused a significant inconvenience for many ASUS users, the company has taken the necessary steps to rectify the situation and prevent such errors from occurring in the future.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.