VKD3D-Proton 2.9 Released with Direct3D 12 Support

Valve, the popular video game development company, has announced the release of vkd3d-proton 2.9. The release includes branches from the VKD3D code base, designed to improve support for Direct3d 12 in a package for launching Proton games.

Vkd3d-proton 2.9 supports specific changes, optimization, and improvements for better Windows-IGR on the Direct3D 12 Windows 12, which have not yet been adopted in the main VKD3D composition. It also focuses on using modern Vulkan extensions and the capabilities of fresh graphic driver releases to achieve complete compatibility with Direct3D 12.

The new version includes several changes, such as dividing the Library D3D12core.DLL into a bootloader (D3D12.dll) and the main implementation (D3D12core.DLL) by analogy with Agilitysdk. There is also performance optimization, significant reduction of memory requirements at the first launch of the application, discontinuation of SPIR-V code storage in memory, and additional optimization for systems with GPU Intel, AMD, and NVIDIA.

Other new features include support for the separated operations of disordered access, improved support for DXR 1.1, support for expansion vk_ext_fragment_shader_interlock, and Vulkan 1.3 compatibility. Further, support has been added for tolerance interfaces d3d11on12 as a minimum necessary version. Lastly, the code with the old implementation of virtual frameworks (swap chain) has been deleted, and support for the standard Linux interfaces for Swapchain has been added.

The release resolves separate problems when using NVIDIA and RADV drivers, improves compatibility with games using specific features Agilitysdk, and solves many problems in various games applications.

Additionally, Valve has updated Project GE-PROTON, in which enthusiasts formed independent assemblies of the package for launching Windows Appendix Proton. It is characterized by a more fresh version of Wine, using FFMPEG in Faudio, and the inclusion of additional patches that solve problems in the various game applications. The Proton GE 8-3 version has a transition to the fresh code base Wine, DXVK, and VKD3D-PROTON, the problems that appear when switching applications to window mode (for example, according to Alt+Tab).

Overall, the latest update from Valve and the additional support from Project GE-PROTON will enhance the gaming experience for Windows-IGR players by resolving various issues and improving the overall performance.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.