Nginx 1.25.0 Released with Experimental HTTP/3 Support

presented The first release of the new main branch nginx 1.25.0 , within the framework of which the development of new capabilities will continue. In a parallel supported stable branch 1.24.x, only changes are made associated with the elimination of serious errors and vulnerabilities. Next year, a stable branch will be formed on the basis of the main branch of 1.25.x 1.26.

The new issue is notable for the addition of the module ngx_http_v3 with the experimental support of the http/3 protocol. The module is disabled by default and for activation during assembly requires an indication of the option “–with-http_v3_module”. For the module, the assembly with cryptographic libraries supporting the QUIC protocol, such as Boringssl, Libressl or Quictls, is recommended. When assembling with Openssl, a layer will be involved in compatibility, which does not support early sending data with the client ( ssl_early_data ).

http/3 defines the use of the Protocol Quic (Quick UDP Internet Connections) as a transport for http/2. QUIC is a superstructure over the UDP protocol that supports multiplexing several compounds and providing encryption methods equivalent to TLS/SSL. The protocol was created in 2013 by Google as an alternative to TCP+TLS for the Web, solving the problem with the high installation and coordination of the connections in TCP and eliminating delays in the loss of packets during data transfer.

Additionally, you can note release Applications server nginx unit 1.30.0 , which develops a solution for launching web applications on various programming languages ​​(Python, PHP, Perl, Ruby, GO, JavaScript/Node.js and Java). Nignx Unit can be simultaneously performed by several applications in different programming languages, the launch of which can be changed dynamically without the need to edit configuration and restart files. The code is written in the language of si and spreads under the license Apache 2.0.

In the new version of Nginx Unit, support for the rewriting of incoming URI in the process of routing the request has been added; The possibility of calculating values ​​in determining the configuration is given using the modules and functions of JavaScript; Support for the withdrawal of applications and debuging data on the routing of requests.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.