Scientists Create Star Wars-Inspired Device for Space Object Management

Chinese scientists are working on developing a device that can manipulate orbital objects using magnetic force, according to an article published in the magazine “Systems Engineering and Electronics”. The researchers from the National University of Defense Technologies claim to have overcome the previous obstacles that hindered the use of magnetic force at a distance.

The device, which can operate up to a distance of 1 km, has the capability to stop or change the trajectory of large cosmic debris heading towards a spaceship or satellite. It also has the ability to attract a small satellite to a main ship for inspection or maintenance.

The team is currently in the process of designing and experimenting with the prototype, which features a magnetized coaxial gun that generates waves of hot, electronically saturated, high-energy gas. The prototype can shoot at a target of eight plasma rings per second at a speed of 10,000 meters per second. As the rings approach the target, they start influencing its movement using magnetic force.

The technology’s key advantage lies in its lack of physical contact, minimizing the risk of collision and other incidents. The device is also versatile and can be used with various types of cosmic debris.

While the study may have military implications due to the researchers’ defense affiliation, the article focuses primarily on the scientific and technical aspects of the technology and its potential use in space research and satellite operations.

The article

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