Kiberataka Forces US Hospitals to Stop Emergency Patient Reception

Several medical institutions belonging to ARDENT Health SERVICES (AHS) have reported “Interruptions in the operation of the network.” The cyber attack on the Mount Program has forced these medical centers to redirect patients seeking emergency care to other institutions.

One of the most affected centers was Mountainside Medical Center in Montkler, where ambulances and patients entering the emergency department were redirected. The hospital representative confirmed that the redirection was a result of the cyber attack, and Ardent Health Services has also confirmed this information. However, the hospital reassured the public that the emergency assistance department at Mountainside Medical Center remains operational and that the quality of patient care has not been compromised.

According to the latest information provided by Ardent Health, the cyber attack was discovered on Thursday, November 23rd, Thanksgiving Day. The company immediately implemented data protection measures, including shutting down the network. Third-party specialists have been enlisted to assist, and restoration efforts are currently underway. Ardent Health has also reported the incident to law enforcement agencies. However, complete restoration of the networks has not yet been achieved, and efforts to restore access to electronic medical records and other clinical systems are still ongoing.

Ardent Health has acknowledged that it cannot confirm whether the patients’ medical or financial data has been compromised. As a precautionary measure, both current and former patients are advised to be prepared for possible notifications from the hospital regarding any stolen information. The details regarding the perpetrator or motive behind the cyber attack are still unknown.

Prior to the official statement by AHS, a Reddit user claiming to be an employee of one of the ARDENT enterprises publicly mentioned the attack. According to the user, the attack was carried out by the Black Suit robber program. However, it is worth noting that AHS’s name is currently not listed on the Black Suit website. Other sources have indicated that the Black Suit program is a variant of the Royal Ransomware Excessor Reviewer.

Ardent Health Services is a prominent provider of medical services in the United States. The company operates through its subsidiaries, owning and managing 30 hospitals and over 200 medical institutions. These facilities are staffed by more than 1300 service providers and operate across six states.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.