The study of Brazilian scientists from the Federal University of Ri-Grande-Do-Nortie showed that people consider men who drive luxurious cars, owners of high marriage potential and other positive qualities. Click here for results.
For a long time, it was believed that men in expensive cars attract women looking for a partner who can provide them with a certain standard of living. However, so far this hypothesis has not been subjected to a serious scientific analysis. In a new study, a team of scientists decided to find out how women and men actually perceive the owners of elite cars and how the owners themselves evaluate their social standing.
In the first survey, participants were asked to share their views on luxurious cars and the men who drive them, including the values associated with mating and male dominance. A total of 171 people, including 93 women, participated in this survey. To eliminate bias, fictional examples were used. The second survey focused on the self-esteem of luxury car owners and their perception of their place in society. A total of 409 people, including 206 women, responded to this survey.
Upon analyzing the results, the researchers concluded that the majority of respondents, both men and women, consider men in luxury cars to have high marriage potential and social dominance. Such men are often seen as more competent in life and work, and sometimes even more intelligent. Additionally, most respondents believe that having personal or intimate relationships with these men would benefit them.
The study also revealed that luxury car owners themselves perceive their social status as high and consider themselves more confident compared to others. Furthermore, most of them value themselves as having higher mating value.