Incus Incus Releases First Fork of LXD Containers Control System


the first release of the project

in which the Linux containers community develops the LXD container control system, created by the old team of developers who once created LXD.
The Incus code is written in GO and


under the license Apache 2.0.

Recall that the Linux Containers community oversaw LXD before Canonical decided to develop LXD separately as a corporate project.
Fork’s goal is called the provision of an alternative to the LXD project, controlled by the independent community, the controlled company Canonical.
As part of the Incus project, it is also planned to eliminate some conceptual errors made in the development of LXD,
which was previously impossible to fix without violation of reverse compatibility.

Incus provides means for centralized control of containers and virtual machines,
deployed both on one host and in a cluster of several servers.
The project was implemented in the form of a background process that accepts requests over the network through the REST API
and supports various storage backens (directory wood, ZFS, BTRFS, LVM),
snapshots with a cut cut, working containers from one machine to another
and means of storage of images containers.
As a Runtime, the LXC tools are used to launch containers,
which includes the LibLXC library, a set of utilities (LXC-Create, LXC-Start, LXC-Stop, LXC-LS, etc.),
templates for building containers and a set of bindings for different programming languages.
Isolation is carried out using the standard Linux nucleus (names spaces, CGROUPS, ApparMor, SELINUX, SecCPP).

by functionality

first release

incus, corresponding to the recently released update

lxd 5

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