I2P 2.2.0 Anonymous Network Released

New Release 2.2.0: i2p 2.2.0 and i2pd 2.47.0 Enhance Anonymous Network

The release of the anonymous network i2p 2.2.0 and c++-client i2pd 2.47.0 has taken place. I2P is a multilayer anonymous distributed network that operates on top of the regular internet, actively using end-to-end encryption that guarantees anonymity and isolation. The network is built in P2P mode and is formed thanks to resources provided by network users, allowing for communication without the use of centrally controlled servers between the participant and PEER-AMI using encrypted unidirectional tunnels.

On the I2P network, users can anonymously create websites and blogs, send instant messages and emails, exchange files, and organize a P2P network. I2P clients are used to build and use anonymous networks for client-server applications and P2P networks. The basic i2p client is written in the Java language and can work on a wide range of platforms, such as Windows, Linux, MacOS, and Solaris. I2PD is an independent implementation of the I2P client written in C++ and spreads under the modified BSD license.

The new issue has implemented changes in the components of Netdb, Floodfill, and Peer-Selection aimed at maintaining the working capacity of the router in the context of DDOS attacks. Protection against attacks manipulating resending previously intercepted encrypted packages is added to the streaming subsystem. I2Psnark has new search opportunities, and support for restrictions on incoming compounds has been added to the transports. The effectiveness of the lock lists has been increased.

This release provides improved protection and new features to enhance the functionality of the anonymous network.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.