Essendant Stationery Seller Saved from Kiberataka Lockbit Seller

The Lockbit group claimed responsibility for a cyber attack on Essendant, resulting in the stationery distributor’s operations being brought to a halt.

The attack on March 6 left Essendant unable to process online orders or provide customer support, ultimately suspending all deliveries. LockBit, an extortion gang, confirmed its involvement in the attack on March 14.

On March 15, Essendant reported that the system restoration was approaching completion. However, Essendant denies the LockBit gang’s involvement and alleges that the destructive events are a result of a companywide system failure.

Initially, some Essendant employees and customers attributed the failures to the Mount Program’s attack. Despite the company’s claims, many customers were displeased with the lack of transparency regarding the system failures.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.