MyLibrary 2.1 Update: Home Library Cataloging Issue Resolved

The latest version of the cataloger for home libraries, mylibrary 2.1, has been released. The software is coded in the C++ programming language and can be downloaded from GitHub and Gitflic under the GPLV3 license. The user graphic interface is based on the GTK4 library, and the program runs on Linux and Windows operating systems. A completed package is available on aur for Arch Linux users.

Mylibrary enables users to catalog books in FB2, EPUB, PDF, and DJVU formats, whether directly accessible or packaged in archives, and creates its own database without altering the source files or their location. The database also maintains a check on the collection’s integrity and modifications by generating hash-code files and archives.

Users can search for books by author’s name, book title, series, genre, and reading them in the program through the appropriate file formats. The program provides book annotations and covers if available.

The program also facilitates various collection operations, such as updating the whole collection and hash-summ reconciliation, importing and exporting the collection’s database, adding or removing books from the collection, copying books to any folder of choice, and creating bookmarks for easy book access.

The new version includes support for archives .7z, .jar, .cpio, .iso, .a, .ar, .tar, .tgz, .tar.gz, .tar.bz2., .tar.xz, and .rar. The software has also transitioned from GTK 4.0 to GTK 4.10 (GTKMM 4.10), with backward compatibility with previous versions retained. Additionally, quick updates to collections without hash-summ reconciliation and minor appearances modifications were included.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.