New Dotrunpex Malware Delivers Extensive List of Evil Software

A new malware, dubbed “Dotrunpex,” has been discovered that is responsible for spreading several renowned families of harmful software, including Netwire, Agent Tesla, Formbook, Ave Maria, Bitrat, Vidar, Lokibot, Raccoon Stealer, Remcos, and Rhadamanthys.

The malware’s core components consist of several parts, which include programming language compilers, .NET classes, and .NET execution. The .NET platform is responsible for developing various kinds of applications, comprising mobile and desktop applications, web servers, web applications and games.

Dotrunpex is a new injector that is written on the .NET platform. It is capable of infecting systems – and spreading the different harmful software, which can cause various kinds of harm or damage to the infected systems.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.