Russia’s VPN: Protection or Control?

Russia Proposes Increased Control Over VPN Services

In a recent interview with Radio Says Moscow, Andrei Svintsov, deputy chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, proposed increased control over virtual private network (VPN) services in Russia. Svintsov stated that companies providing VPN services in Russia are already interacting with Russian special services. He warned that resources whose owners refuse to cooperate with domestic special services could be blocked in the country.

Svintsov argued that, in light of the hybrid armed conflict between Russia and NATO, it is necessary to protect the information infrastructure as much as possible. The proposal, which aims to strengthen control over VPN services, could be seen as part of Russia’s broader campaign to tighten cyber security measures.

Meanwhile, Alexander Malkevich, a member of the Public Chamber of Russia, explained the need for a domestic VPN service. Malkevich called for the creation of such a service since foreign resources have repeatedly demonstrated themselves from the unprofitable side. On the other hand, a domestic VPN can comply with legislation, guarantee user safety and maintain high standards.

Maksut Shadaev, the head of the Ministry of Council, has noted that the popularity of means for bypassing internet locks in Russia has decreased. Shadaev expressed his confidence that VPN services have yet to take root in Russia.

It is important to note that some experts consider increased control over VPN services a human rights issue. Critics maintain that governments use control over internet access to limit freedom of speech and expression.

Regardless, the proposal to increase control over VPN services is part of the ongoing debate surrounding cyber security measures both in Russia and in other countries around the world.

– Radio Says Moscow:
– Sputnik News:
– Deccan Herald:

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.