Issue Tor Browser 12.0.3 and Tails 5.10 distribution

formed the release of a specialized distribution Tails 5.10 (The Amnesic Incognito Live System), based on the DEBIAN package base and designed for anonymous exit to the network. An anonymous exit to Tails is provided by the Tor system. All connections, except traffic via the Tor network, are blocked by default by a package filter. For storage of user data in the mode of conservation of user data between the launches, encryption is used. To download, prepared by ISO-image , capable of working in Live mode, 1.2 GB in size.

The new version of Tails updated the version of the Tor Browser 12.0.3 browser and the confirmation of confirmation was provided when starting without unlocking a permanent storage. Added documentation on a permanent storage (Persistent Storage) used to store user data between sessions (for example, you can store files, passwords to Wi-Fi, browser, etc.). Eliminated vulnerability , allowing the amnesia user to read the contents of any system file through manipulations with symbolic links.

new version torwser 12.0.3 is synchronized with the code base firefox 102.8 ESR , in which eliminated 17 vulnerabilities. Updated versions of OpenSSL 1.1.1T and add -ons noscript 11.4.16 (it is warned that after the update it may be Noscript user settings are reset.
Disk activity reduced by disconnecting some extra tasks and telemetry.

/Media reports cited above.