Gas cuts in middle of winter make residents of northern China shive

In this region where the temperature can drop to – 20 ° C, the too rigid energy system does not respond to price fluctuations.

by Simon Leplâtre (Cangzhou, Hebei, sent special)

At the beginning of December, Mr. Jiang, in the thirties, moved into a new house barely finished. Its walls are still in raw cement and it is smaller than most of the houses in the village of Han, but it has a major advantage: the temperature greatly exceeds 20 degrees, while the pond is frozen in this village of the Cangzhou campaign, a city in the south of the province of Hebei surrounding Beijing.

 in front of the house of M. Jiang, in the village of Han, near Cangzhou (Hebei), February 2, 2023. The wood is used To power the kitchen stove and kang (stove). in front of the house of M. Jiang, in the village of Han, near Cangzhou (Hebei), February 2, 2023. Wood is Used to power the kitchen stove and kang (stove). Gilles Sabrié for “Le Monde”

The secret of comfort is in the boiler room of this house built a year earlier: an old -fashioned cast iron stove, connected to the network of Hot water. In front, a bucket full of pieces of coal. “I moved here when the gas cuts started in early December,” said Jiang, who only gives his surname. In its old house, the temperature fell at night, when natural gas was cut by the distribution company.

/Media reports cited above.