Linux 6.12 Core Is Classified As Issues With Long Term Of Support

Linux 6.12 assigned the status of a branch with a long term of support. Updates for the branch 6.12 will be produced at least until December 2026, but it is possible that, as in the case of past LTS vehicles, escort time will be extended to six years. For conventional releases of the renewal kernel, only until the next stable branch is released (for example, updates for a branch of 6.11 were produced until 6.12).

At the same time it is announced about the completion of the accompanying cycle Linux branch kernel developers 4.19, for which the final issue 4.19.325 is published (more updates will not be published in the series 4.19.x). Branch 4.19 was formed in October 2018, was accompanied by 6 years and used in Debian 10 and Android 10. Products supplied with a nucleus 4.19 are recommended to be transferred to more relevant LTS letters or use assemblies from the project Civil Infrastructure Platform (CIP).

continues accompaniment of the LongTerm Vetot:

  • 6.6-Until December 2026 (used in Ubuntu 24.04 and Openwrt 24.10 -rc1 ).
  • 6.1 – Until December 2026 + Support for SLTS (used in Debian 12).
  • 5.15 – Until October 2026 (used in Ubuntu 04.22, Oracle Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel 7 and Openwrt 23.05).
  • 5.10 – Until December 2026 + support in the framework of SLTS (used in Debian 11, Android 12 and Openwrt 22).
  • 5.4 – until December 2025 (used in Ubuntu 20.04 LTS and in Oracle Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel 6).

Separately on the basis of nuclei 4.4, 4.19, 5.10 and 6.1, Linux Foundation is provided with branches slts (Super Long Term Support) that is accompanied separately and are supported by 10-20 years. The SLTS VETOK is supported by the CIVIL Infrastructure Platform (CIP) project, which are involved in companies such as Toshiba, Siemens, Renes, Bosch, Hitachi and Moxa, as well as the LTS wounds of the main nucleus, Debian developers and the creators of the KERN project Elci . SLTS nuclei are focused on the use of civil infrastructure in technical systems and in important industrial systems.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.