FreeBSD User Survey Reveals Plan for Identified Issues

The FreeBSD Foundation recently released the results of the project survey and community developers, outlining typical scenarios for using freeBSD, prioritizing development, and identifying areas that require special attention. The survey, consisting of about 50 questions, gathered responses from 1446 participants.

The survey identified several trends:

  • 50% of users utilize freeBSD on servers, with 18% on PCs, 14% on laptops, and 6% on cloud systems.
  • Among server users, 76% considered ZFS the most important aspect of freeBSD on servers, followed by access to security patch fixes (69%), filesystem productivity (58%), Jail (53%), inter-grid screens (52%), system updates without reinstalling (43%), version relevance of server applications (40%), storage systems (38%), network system productivity (37%), virtualization (36%), router capabilities (28%), energy consumption efficiency (25%), safety tools (24%), application isolation (23%), and NAT (23%).
  • Server users surveyed by FreeBSD indicated preferences for storage organization (NFS, Samba, ZFS – 76%), web servers (74%), inters grinding screens, proxies, and routers (69%), development (50%), mail servers (48%), internal applications (46%), and DBMs (39%).
  • Laptop users showed preferences for Lenovo/IBM laptops (77%), followed by Dell (45%), HP (22%), Apple (20%), Framework (19%), ASUS (16%), Sustem76 (11%), PineBook/Pinephone/Pine64 (10%), and Acer (10%).
  • Operating system preferences among laptop and PC users included KDE (21%), XFCE (20%), i3 (9%), GNOME (8%), SWAY (4%), DWM (4%), and Mate (4%).
  • Update installation frequencies varied, with 15% installing updates immediately, 11% daily, 28% weekly, 13% bi-weekly, 17% monthly, and 15% less than monthly.
  • The typical participant profile indicated an average age of 45 years, with 17% aged 35 or younger, 61% aged 35-54, and 20% over 55. Participants were predominantly located in Europe (52%) or North America (33%), with an average of 13-14 years of experience working with FreeBSD.
  • 29% of participants were involved in development, with 10% serving on committees. Over half of the developers had contributed to FreeBSD development in the past year
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