GNOME Project Discusses 5-Year Development Plan

The GNOME Foundation has unveiled its new plan, outlining the strategy, goals, and priorities for the next five years of the GNOME project. This plan is based on thorough ecosystem research and has been subject to discussions with personnel, management, and participants within the GNOME Foundation. The plan has undergone review by the GNOME Council and is now open for public feedback, giving anyone the opportunity to comment.

The key objectives outlined in the plan include:

  • Ensuring the growth of the community of users and project developers by:
    • Establishing a clear vision uniting the GNOME Foundation and the GNOME project, defining roles and fostering communication for idea exchange and collaboration.
    • Implementing a more inclusive leadership model, expanding the voting council from 7 to 11 participants and prioritizing underrepresented groups in leadership positions.
    • Creating teamwork dynamics between the managing council and employees, with the executive director playing a pivotal role in internal connections and community dialogue.
    • Enhancing the appeal of GNOME through social benefit awareness, partnership programs, and the GNOME PATHWAYS Initiative for leadership development in diverse regions.
    • Increasing the commercial value of GNOME by certifying programs, promoting compatibility with GNOME devices, expanding partnerships, and exploring new application development opportunities outside the primary context.
/Reports, release notes, official announcements.