Euclid Space Telescope Delivers First Images and Scientific Discoveries

The Euclid space telescope of the European Space Agency, which commenced operations last summer, has recently transmitted its first captivating images and shared significant scientific findings.

The first Images and the conclusions of the “Euclid” mission not only astound with their clarity and detail but also mark the dawn of a new era in the exploration of the dark side of the cosmos. The data acquired enhance our understanding of the enigmatic components of the Universe, deepening our comprehension of its structure and evolution on a grand scale.

This cutting-edge telescope aids astronomers in unraveling the two greatest mysteries of the Universe: dark matter, an invisible “glue” that binds galaxies together, and dark energy that propels them apart.

Astronomer Jean-Charles Kiandre from CEA Paris-Saclay pointed out that comprehending the nature of dark matter requires an understanding of its behaviors. This enigmatic substance induces light to curve and distort, a phenomenon known as gravitational lensing. In extreme cases, gravitational lenses can distort galaxies and even produce mirror images of the same source.

“Euclid” observed this effect by studying Abell 2390, a distant galaxy cluster located 2.7 billion light-years away. Approximately ninety percent of the cluster’s mass comprises dark matter. While gravity pulls dark matter together, dark energy counteracts this process. Investigating the distribution of dark matter in space will aid astronomers in understanding how dark energy shapes the universe’s structure.

An outstanding feature of “Euclid” is its capability to capture vast sky regions with remarkable detail. Galaxies that appear indistinguishable alongside bright stars, such as beta Phoenix, may be imperceptible to certain ground observatories, but Euclid can detect them.

According to Dr. Kiandre, the sensors of the Euclid telescope function as a network for capturing all forms of radiation. Alongside its primary objectives, the telescope has made numerous significant discoveries, including new dwarf galaxies, star clusters, and free-floating planets. These discoveries are deemed as the “legacy of science,” broadening the mission’s possibilities, as noted by NASA cosmologist Michael Seyffheret.

“Euclid” has captured images of two galaxies located 62 million light-years away moving towards each other, showcasing diffuse edges and tails.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.