Global collapse: Microsoft, Openai and Bing at same time

This morning, users around the world have faced serious problems when using Microsoft and Openai services. About 10 a.m. Moscow time (UTC +3) began a failure that touched users in Asia and Europe.

The main blow fell on the Bing search engine. By words users, when trying to go to the main page of, users see either an empty page or an error with code 429 http . However, with a direct passage to the link to the Bing search page, the service continues to work. This fact looks especially strange, since the problem concerns only the main page.

Together with Bing, he completely stopped his work and Copilot – both a web version and a mobile application, as well as integration in Windows. Users counting on the help of Copilot were left without access to the tool.

Error display in bing (left) and Copilot (right)

also serious problems are observed among ChatGPT users who use it for an Internet post. The problem is caused by the dependence of the ChatGPT on the API Bing. In turn, Duckduckgo, which also uses the API Bing for its search queries.

Error in Duckduckgo

Duckduckgo error message appeared among thousands of users, which caused a wave of discontent on social networks.

Microsoft confirmed the problem with access to Copilot. In your tweet, the company reported

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