Rockwell Automation Urges: Disconnect ICS from Internet

Rockwell Automation strongly recommends to disconnect all systems ICS controls that are not designed to connect to the Internet to prevent unauthorized or malicious cyber attacks. This measure is necessary in connection with the increasing geopolitical tension and increased activity of cybercriminals around the world.

The company insists on immediate actions: users should check if their devices have access to the Internet, and if so, then turn them off if they were not originally designed for public access. “Users should never configure their assets for direct connection from the Internet,” said Rockwell Automation.

The rejection of Internet connection will significantly reduce the likelihood of attacks and reduce vulnerability to external threats. The company also recommends to organizations using Rockwell software solutions to make sure that all the necessary updates and patches are installed to protect against vulnerabilities affecting their products.

Among such vulnerabilities:

  1. CVE-2021-22681 (CVSS: 10.0);
  2. cve-2022-1159 (assessment CVSS: 7.7);
  3. cve-2023-3595 (assessment CVSS: 9.8);
  4. cve-2023-46290 (assessment CVSS: 8.1);
  5. cve-2024-21914 (assessment CVSS: 5.3);
  6. cve-2024-21915
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