In an attempt to avoid a jury trial in the case regarding monopolizing online advertising, Google has made the decision to settle with the US Department of Justice by offering compensation for losses. The tech giant submitted a judicial document in Virginia last week, indicating that they have agreed to an unspecified amount that covers the full cash losses demanded by the Department of Justice.

Google stated that by resolving the issue of compensating for losses with the Department of Justice, they have eliminated the need for a jury trial. A Google representative told The Register that the Department of Justice hastily created a demand for compensation in an attempt to sway the case towards a jury trial, which the agency believes is beyond the understanding of the average juror.

Google maintains its innocence against allegations of monopolistic behavior in the online advertising market and expresses readiness to defend its practices and strategies in court, just not before a jury. The case involving online advertising monopoly is one of several antitrust cases against Google, with 17 states joining the lawsuit in early 2023.

Originally accused of stifling competition by acquiring competitors, imposing the use of Google tools on publishers and advertisers, and manipulating ad auctions to maintain dominance, Google faced a demand for over $100 million in compensation for advertising placed by certain federal agencies. The actual settlement amount offered by Google has not been disclosed, but the company acknowledged that the initial compensation demand had significantly decreased during the course of the investigation.

Although Google did not explicitly mention reducing the amount in their documents, they revealed that the Department of Justice’s demand was brought down to less than $1 million, less than what Google had spent on legal fees. The Department of Justice will have an opportunity to respond at a hearing on June 21, with trials set to commence in September if Google’s settlement attempt is unsuccessful.

This is not the first time Google has faced allegations of abusing its dominant position in the online advertising sphere. In 2017, the tech giant was fined $2.72 billion for manipulating search results.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.