In the framework of the standard model of physics of elementary particles, many suggest that it is completely studied and does not raise questions. However, despite a long-term test of theory by various experiments, there are many irresolvable issues. The thing is that there are many ways of forming related states from quarks, antiquarks, and gluons, and one of such rare states is “globalls” – a state that is completely consisted of gluons.

According to quantum chromodynamics, theories of strong nuclear interaction, quarks and gluons can form various related conditions, such as baryons, mesons, and exotic conditions, including tetracard and pentacular. But globalls, particles without quarks and antiquarks, can form exclusively from gluons.

Opening was done on a collider in Beijing as part of the Bes III experiment, where scientists analyzed data on the clashes of electrons and positrons. A particle known as x (2370), is a possible globulla with a mass of approximately 2.395 GEV/c² and back 0.

Researchers used a technique known as Lattice QCD for modeling and predicting the properties of gluons. This technology allows scientists to reproduce and analyze complex interactions at the level of quantum fields.

The results obtained during the experiments are confirmed by the statistical significance of 11.7-σ. In the physics of elementary particles, a result, which has the significance of more than 5-points, has only 0.00006% the chance to be statistical randomness, and any result, more significant than this, exceeds the “gold standard” for the announcement of conscientious discovery. This indicates the high reliability of data and the possible existence of globalls as a new elementary particle.

Nevertheless, scientists call for caution in the

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.