In 2022, researchers from the laboratory for the study of the behavior and feelings of bees at the Royal University of London observed bumblebees engaging in unusual behavior. These small creatures were seen playing with wooden balls, rolling and revolving them, apparently just for fun rather than for reproductive or survival purposes.

This study aligns with a new scientific perspective on the consciousness of a wide range of animals. A group of renowned scientists highlighted the presence of conscious experience not only in mammals and birds but also in all vertebrates, including reptiles, amphibians, and fish, as well as many invertebrates like octopuses, crustaceans, and insects.

The declaration is based on observations and experiments suggesting the potential presence of consciousness among these groups of animals. Scientists are urging further investigation into this phenomenon and advocating for a respectful treatment of animals that may possess some form of subjective experience.

The scientific community now believes that consciousness does not necessarily require the high neural complexity previously assumed. This shift in perspective has significant implications for animal training, interaction, and rights protection, highlighting the similarities between animals and humans despite differences in brain structure and behavior. This understanding prompts a reevaluation of scientific and ethical approaches to animal welfare and encourages continued research into the consciousness of various species.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.