The most powerful laser in the world, located in a research center in Romania, has ushered in a new era in healthcare and space research fields. Developed using technologies from the French company Thales, this laser boasts a record capacity of 10 Petavatts in less than a femtosecond, thanks to 450 tons of meticulously installed equipment.

This groundbreaking laser, part of the European Extreme Light Project (ELI) near Bucharest, produces the shortest and most powerful laser pulses ever created by humans. This milestone was achieved through the innovative technique developed by Gerard Murou and Donna Strickland, who were honored with the Nobel Physics Prize for their work. Their technology enables a significant increase in laser power while ensuring safe usage.

While lasers have been traditionally used in medicine for procedures like corrective surgeries, their potential has now expanded with these new advancements. They provide precise methods for cancer treatments through proton or electron therapy and offer significant contributions to medical imaging and isotopic marker production.

Furthermore, lasers are crucial in various industries for defect identification, cargo scanning for hazardous materials, and have the potential to drive advancements in new energy sources such as nuclear fusion for clean and safe energy production. Additionally, powerful lasers can aid in space debris removal and nuclear waste processing.

The research center housing this cutting-edge laser is in a state-of-the-art facility valued at 320 million euros, primarily funded by the European Union. This project marks Romania’s significant contribution to scientific progress. According to Gerard Murou, lasers are set to play a pivotal role in the 21st century, akin to what electrons did in the previous century.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.