RSIM Launches New Communication Standard

Telecommunication giants Telekom and Tele2 have recently unveiled a groundbreaking world novelty as part of their cooperation: a stable SIM card known as Resilient SIM (RSIM). This innovative SIM card offers a permanent connection and allows users to use two SIM cards in devices that do not natively support this feature.

The RSIM features patented technology that autonomously monitors network connections and seamlessly switches between providers to minimize disruptions. By storing two independent mobile operator profiles on a single SIM card, RSIM reduces the risk of disconnects by activating a backup profile in case of network failures, ensuring uninterrupted connectivity even during network downtime.

Deutsche Telekom, a key player in the partnership, highlights the increasing proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices designed for consumer use. These devices range from vehicles and smart home systems to smart clothing, medical devices, and remote monitoring equipment.

/Reports, release notes, official announcements.