Polemarch 2.1 release, Web interface for Ansible

took place production of the Polemarch 2.1.0, the Web-interface for managing the server infrastructure based on Ansible. The project code is written in Python and JavaScript using Django and Celery frameworks. The project is distributed under the AGPLV3 license. To start the system, it is enough to install the package and start 1 service. For industrial use, it is recommended to additionally use MySQL/PostgreSQL and Redis/Rabbitmq+Redis (Cash and Broker MQ). For each version, the image of Docker is formed.

The main improvements:

  • The time of code initialization was reduced and the work with memory was optimized due to the refactoring of a large volume of code and various repeated lists.
  • Cloning (for GIT) or loading (for TAR) code when the repo_sync_on_run is now directly carried out to the launch directory from the source. This function is especially useful for those who use Polemarsch as a Ci/CD conveyor.
  • added the ability to indicate the maximum size of the archive that must be loaded when the project synchronize. The size is indicated in the configuration file in bytes and is valid for all projects.
  • The functionality of the work was redone for the specified repo_sync_on_run_timeout, where for GIT projects this time is used in the Git Cli timeouts, and for archives it covers the connection and expectation of starting starting.
  • Added the ability to indicate another Ansible_Config inside the project. At the same time, the ability to indicate globally the default config for projects, where there is no ANSIBLE.CFG.
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  • Fixed small errors and inaccuracies in the interface and updated basic libraries.
/Media reports.