France Work: to a single counter for employment

The Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, gave Thursday September 22 the kickoff of the reform which aims to create a single, physical and digital counter, for job seekers.


The vagueness surrounding the creation of France Work is gradually dissipating. The Minister of Labor, Olivier Dussopt, kicked off the reform, Thursday, September 22, during a trip to Lyon, accompanied by the High Commissioner for Employment, Thibaut Guilluy, in charge of the prefiguration mission Launched on September 12. Both also received all the actors concerned by the file on Friday for a “stakeholder committee” at the Ministry of Labor.

For the Government, France Work is one of the eight sites – with the unemployment insurance reform, the pension reform, the work of work … – which must allow to go towards its full objective- employment by the end of the five -year term. The purpose of the new structure is to improve both the support for companies and that of people towards employment. The calendar is now known in broad outline. For three months, ten working groups will have to establish a diagnosis and define principles of action and make their opinions in December. At the beginning of 2023, territorial experiments will be deployed in ten employment areas, during which several planned developments will be tested. The government then wishes to officially launch France work at the end of 2023, early 2024.

a single, physical and digital counter

feared by many people, a merger of the various organizations (employment center, local missions, associations, etc.) should not be the option chosen. The idea is rather to create a single, physical and digital counter, for job seekers, whatever their profile, which would then be reoriented towards the different structures. With the objective, too, to better coordinate all these actors. Because today, many unemployed or beneficiaries of active solidarity income (RSA) are poorly taken care of.

For example, in Corrèze, no beneficiary of the RSA is oriented towards Pôle Emploi, according to a document from the Student Committee that Le Monde has obtained. Similarly, according to the document, less than 60 % of people at the RSA have a reciprocal commitment contract, which normally defines the support rules. The government has already announced a reform of the RSA aimed at conditioning the latter at fifteen to twenty hours of weekly activity. This will be done at the same time as France Work and will be experienced in the same employment basins.

The fact remains that to improve this coordination, all the entities participating in the project must want to go in the same direction. If the regions have given a clear opinion and defend their “ability to orchestrate France work at the level of its territory”, the departments do not want to finish with a role of subcontractor. “We want to co -construct things with the government, explains François Sauvadet, president of the Assembly of Departments of France. We do not want to simply receive injunctions. But the first signs of dialogue are very positive.”

/Media reports.