Release of a free emulator of classic quests Scummvm 2.6.0

presented the release of a free cross -platform interpreter of classic quests scummvm 2.6.0 , replacing executable games for games and allowing you to execute many classic games on the platforms for which they are not originally intended . Project code is distributed under the license GPLV3+. , Humongous Entertainment, Revolution Software, Cyan и Sierra, такие как Maniac Mansion, Monkey Island, Broken Sword, Myst, Blade Runner, King’s Quest 1-7, Space Quest 1-6, Discworld, Simon the Sorcerer, Beneath A Steel Sky, Lure of the Temptress and The Legend of Kyrandia. The launch of games on the Linux, Windows, MacOS, iOS, Android, PS Vita, Switch, Dreamcast, Amigaos, Atari/Freemint, Riscc OS, Haiku, PSP, PS3, Maemo, GCW Zero, etc. are supported.

in new version :

  • The initial texts of the project are transferred from the GPLV2 license to the GPLV3+.
  • Added games support:
    • sanitarium.
    • Hades Challenge.
    • Marvel Comics Spider-Man: The Sinister Six.
    • The 11th Hour.
    • clandestiny.
    • Tender Loving Care.
    • uncle Henry’s Playhouse.
    • Wetlands.
    • Chewy: Esc from F5.
  • Assembly now requires a compiler with support for the C ++ 11 standard. The assembly support in VS2008.
  • was discontinued.

  • Advanced possibilities of filtering the search results.
  • In the graphic interface, the viewing mode based on icons is implemented.
  • Added Support for the sound card Retrowave OPL3.
  • Added experimental port Opendingux.
  • Remove the port Symbian.
  • Provided the Create_engine utility to simplify the creation of new engines.
  • Launcher is given the opportunity to group games by categories, and a new navigation interface for new games, designed in the form of a grid of icons.
  • is proposed.

  • added new Digital Imuse.
  • In the SCI engine, support for recording in the games Breen1, Brain2, Ecoquest1, Ecoquest2, Fairytales, Pharmas, GK1, GK2, ICEMAN, KQ1, KQ4, KQ5, KQ6, KQ7, LB2, LIGHTHOCE, LONGBOCL1 LSL3, LSL5, LSL6, LSL6Hires, LSL7, Pepper, Phant2, PQ1, PQ2, PQ3, PQ4, PQSWAT, QFG1, QFG1VGA, QFG2, QFG3, QFG4, SHIVERS, SQ1, SQ3, SQ4, SQ5, SQ6, Torin. /li>
  • In the port for the Android platform, support for hardware acceleration of 3D graphics.

/Media reports.