Almalinux project has presented new Albs assembly system

developers of the almalinux distribution, which develops a free clone Red Hat Enterprise Linux, albs (almalinux Build System), which has already been used in the formation of almalinux 8.6 and 9.0, prepared for architectures X86_64, AARCH64 PowerPC PPC64le and S390X. In addition to the assembly of the ALBS distribution, it is also used to generate and publish corrective updates (Errata), and the certification of packages with a digital signature. The assembly system code is written in Python and spreads under the license gplv3.

The assembly system presented is based on the developments of Cloudlinux, which develops its own commercial distribution based on the RHEL package base. Cloudlinux founded the Almalinux project and acted as the founder of the non -profit organization Almalinux OS Foundation, created to develop a neutral site with the participation of the community and using the management model similar to the organization of the work of the Fedora project. To confirm the commitment of the development model initially declared completely open and transparent for the community, the assembly system code is now completely open, and all stages of assembly almalinux are controlled to the community.

ALBS system is focused on automating the assembly of the distribution, assembly of packages, testing packages, the formation of digital signatures and publishing collected packages in public repositories. The system is aimed at processing all the stages of the formation of a distribution as a single whole to exclude errors caused by a human factor. The assembly system continues to develop the internal assembly system Cloudlinux, used since 2012.

In addition to packages in RPM format, the Deb format is supported and the means for automating brands and modifying packets are provided. Including the system can be used to create arbitrary distributions based on Ubuntu and Debian. For testing assemblies, the Jenkins continuous integration system is used. The source code of the packages collected is loaded from the GIT-Rooseria (in the case of almalinux, changes in RHEL packages are monitored through and transferred to and

/Media reports.