Release of an integrated development environment Apache Netbeans 14

Apache Software Foundation introduced The integrated development environment apache netbeans 14 , which provides support for programming languages ​​Java Se, Java EE, PHP, C/C ++, JavaScript and Groovy.
This is the eleventh release prepared by the Apache Foundation after the transfer of the Netbeans code by Oracle. Ready assemblies formed for linux, windows and macos.

Among the proposed changes :

  • The assembly using JDK17 is included and the support of new Java issues is improved.
    Added Javadoc for the JDK 19 test branch and JDK 18 release.
    Javadoc implemented support for the @snippet tag for embedding work examples and code fragments in the documentation on the API.
  • Improved integration with the PAYARA application server (branch from Glassfish), added support for the deployment of applications in a locally launched container from Payara Server.
  • Gradle assembly support has been improved, supported CLI-interface options have been expanded, and support for GRADLE configuration cache.
  • Added support for PHP 8.1. The possibility of folding blocks with attributes when editing code in the PHP.
  • code is implemented.

  • Added an interface for generating classes for the framework micronaut . Improved support for Micronaut. Added a template for Controller.
  • Improved CSS support and added support for the ECMASCRIPT 13 /2022 specification. Improved processing of recursive structures in JavaScript.
  • Added the possibility of auto-filling of structures in SQL queries.
  • Until version 18.0.1, the NB-Javac (modified Javac) built in the Netbeans Java compiler.
  • Improved support for the Maven Assembly system.

/Media reports.