Tennis: Rafael Nadal wants to “try to play” in Wimbledon

The Spaniard explained, Friday, that the treatment he followed after the Roland-Garros tournament for his left foot decreased pain.

Le Monde With AFP

Victorious for the 14 e times by Roland-Garros, on June 5, after fifteen spent with an anesthetized left foot in order to be able to play each of the matches of the Parisian tennis tournament, Rafael Nadal has “the intention of trying to play” at the Wimbledon tournament, which will start on June 27. This is what he declared Friday, June 17 to the press on Friday, after a week spent on the island of Mallorca, where he carried out coating on lawn.

“This week of training tells me that there can be possibilities,” said the Spaniard, who, after his victory at Roland-Garros, had launched a treatment in order to relieve his pains on the foot: A “pulsed radiofrequency treatment (PRF)” that puts the nerves in the injury region from which he suffers “, in the words of his spokesperson. Hidden = “True”>

Rafael Nadal, who has been suffering from Müller-Weiss syndrome for years, a degenerative and incurable disease, which is characterized by the deformation of one of the bones of the foot, said Friday note the “changes” produced by this treatment . “It’s been a week since I box. I’m happy. It decreased the pain that prevented me from pressing” the foot.

The player with 22 Grand Chelem titles, who won in Wimbledon twice (in 2008 and 2010), will travel to London on Monday June 20 to train and play a few exhibition games.

/Media reports.