Nitrux 2.1 Distribution Release with NX Desktop Desktop

published Production of the distribution Nitrux 2.1.0 built on the Debian batch database, KDE technologies and the initialization system OpenRC . Distribution develops its own desktop desktop NX Desktop , which is an add-in over the user environment of KDE Plasma, as well as framework construction of user interfaces Mauikit , on the basis of which set typical user applications that can Use both on desktop systems and on mobile devices. To install additional applications, the APIMAGES self-sufficient package system is promoted. The size of the full boot image is 2.4 GB, and the abbreviated with the JWM window manager is 1.5 GB. PROJECT PROJECTS extends under free licenses.

Desktop NX Desktop offers other style design, own implementation of the system tray, the output of notifications and various plasmoids , such as network connections configurator and multimedia applet to control the volume and control of multimedia content playback. From applications created using framework Mauikit , you can mark the Index file manager
(You can use and Dolphin), Note Text Editor, Station Terminal Emulator, Clip Music Player, VVAVE Video Player, NX Software Center Application Management Center and PIX Image Viewer.

Separately, the project is being developed for the development of the MAUI Shell environment, which automatically adapts to the size of the screen and the available information entry methods, and can be used not only on desktop systems, but also on smartphones and tablets. The environment develops the concept of “convergence”, implying the possibility of working with the same applications both on the sensory screens of the smartphone and tablet and on large laptop and PC screens. Maui Shell can start both with its Zpace composite server using Wayland and through the launch of a separate Cask shell inside the X server-based session.

Main innovations Nitrux 2.1:

  • NX Desktop Desktop components updated to versions of KDE Plasma 5.24.3, KDE Frameworks 5.92.0 and KDE Gear (KDE Applications) 21.12.3.

  • The default Linux 5.16.3 core is involved with Patches xanmod . For installation, packages with conventional and XanMod assemblies of nuclei 5.15.32 and 5.17.1, as well as the kernel 5.16 with Patches LiQuorix and kernel 5.15.32 and 5.17.1 from the Linux Libre project.
  • updated versions of programs, including Firefox 98.0.2 and
  • In the application menu, a shortcut is added to install the STEAM client.
/Media reports.