Results of presidential election 2022: first round upsets national political landscape

The two finalists, Emmanuel Macron and Marine Le Pen, and the third of the ballot, who tars, Jean-Luc Mélenchon, brought together three quarters of the votes, sweeping the historical parties of the Fifth Republic.


There is no more up-to-heart or indignation. Just the feeling of seeing a new cleavage. Twenty years after the surprise qualification of his father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, in the second round of the presidential election, Marine Le Pen again crossed the hedge of the first round on Sunday 10 April, the main democratic appointment of the country. The national rally (NR) candidate, with 23.41% of the vote, will face Emmanuel Macron, on April 24, in a 2017 match of the match. The head of state has arrived at the top of the ballot, with 27, 60% of the vote.

France Executives and retirees against France Employees and workers, cities against the periphery, European integration against national sovereignty … Emmanuel Macron increased by 3.6 points in one five-year. Marine Le Pen, 2.1 points. One polished his presidential stature thanks to the CVIV-19 crisis and the war in Ukraine. The other has captured the concern of the French on their purchasing power, while continuing to assume an identity and sovereignist project. The two actors sought for five years to stage their opposition. The scenario is in appearance repetitive. In appearance only.

because the wave that has fallen on the French political landscape five years ago has returned to sweep all or part of the traditional republican forces, installing a game of voice postponement at the uncertain outcome for the second round, April 24th. Life insurance represented by a duel with the extreme right is no longer. According to different opinion surveys published Sunday night, Emmanuel Macron could only win with 51% to 54% of the vote.

The collapse of Republicans

The two finalists of the ballot enthroned in the middle of the rubble, in the company of Jean-Luc Mélenchon, become the arbitrator of their confrontation. With 21.95% of the vote, the candidate of the People’s Union believed until the end of the night, Sunday, to be able to exceed Marine Le Pen in favor of the last scrutinies. It has not happened. “We must not give one voice to M me Le Pen, had already acted the hon. Member for Bouches-du-Rhône. Without calling for voting in favor of Emmanuel Macron. The support of the Head of State fear the abstention of the Mélenchonist voters, who mobilized throughout the five-year of the economic, social or sanitary policy of the Elysée’s tenant.

More than the Republican Front, chipped for over a decade, this first round paves the way for political recomposition. After the Socialist Party – whose candidate, Anne Hidalgo, did only obtain 1.74% of the votes on Sunday, arriving even behind the Communist Fabien Roussel (2.31%) -, the Republicans (LR) collapsed to their Tour on this April 10th. Their representative, Valérie Pécresse, collected only 4.79% of the vote. Far from François Fillon’s score five years ago (20.01%).

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